winter chill
11:15 PM

This song needs to be shared with the blogosphere. It warms my heart every year around this time, and whether good or bad my memories attached to this melody flood back to me every time I hear it. At least two years now I've listened to Winter Song for the full month of December and beyond, alone or with others, and I can't help but force y'all to hear it too.

 There's something about this time of year. Yes, the commercial hype of the holiday season is jammed down our throats with little room left after eggnog and candy canes, but the world changes. It shifts. There is a subtle change that tickles my senses and makes me think positively no matter what is happening around me. Something about the chill in the air and the crunch on the ground makes me yearn for that mug of tea (or coffee, or cocoa) and a warm hand to hold. I'm a sucker for the romanticized holiday season, but this year something is very different. Without the stresses of school I can, for once, appreciate the holidays without looming fear of deadlines and marks (granted work provides that stress, without written academic record, at least). I can finally breathe in the chill without rushing to class, decorate the house without procrastinating an essay (just photo editing), and smile without the hidden frown for what is hiding beyond the academic semester.

I feel like time has slowed just enough to let me savour the season, and there has got to be a rule instated that each household have a pet in attendance for the holidays. Something about his little nose (growing bigger) on my hand and his warmth next to me slows down my heartbeat enough to really take everything in. A dog's life is a steady cacophony of unbearable joy towards his humans, and I can't help but be thankful that I get to share my monotonous day to day happenings with not only the love of my life, but the new part of my life I didn't know I could love this much. 

To those breathing in the chill, or soaking in the sun, I hope your December beginning is heartwarming and light. Keep smiling, friends. 



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