sip, sip, chill
10:46 AM

Move over, Starbucks.
After a long walk with Max this morning, a piping hot cup of coffee was not on my mind. Cue: a creamy, tri-level treat that is cold, refreshing, and best of all: cheap!

Blend all ingredients in a magic bullet or blender until ice cubes are broken but not dissolved. Pour into cup (such as my age-old, chipped Pom Tea glass) and watch as the layers deliciously separate. Sip on patio under umbrella while flipping through Vogue (optional, but highly recommended).


truth hurts
2:15 PM

Via If iPhones Could Talk

As comical as these graphics are... the truth does hurt.
Screen crack in the top right hand corner, rendering the camera fried
I'd take a picture to show you... oh. Yes. Just kidding.

I'm going to mod it to attach my DSLR. That's obviously the next step.

sometimes we all need a little motivation
9:59 PM

(Not going to lie, I found it much more hard-hitting when muted.)

9:35 PM

(Top left: Single Lady Carrot Cake Cupcake, Adam and his relentless hair, my dining room editing suite, homemade bbq chicken caesar salad, Cupcakes Canada from a friend's birthday, sunny May morning, and some editing from a recent shoot soon to be released.)

Today's to do list: Conquer the kitchen. Our canisters on the counter were such a pain; the clasps always fell off, and as cute as they were (they came with tiny wooden spoons attached!) they were too frustrating to keep them. So of course, I got creative.

Martha Stewart office products caught my eye from day one, but I didn't plan on purchasing them (they're a little pricy)until finding these canisters. Perfectionnn! (And bonus: Adam fully thought that the labels came pre-written on. He smudged one and couldn't figure out why. I figure that means they look ok.)

These little gems are a dollar store find! 3 for $2, and 100% worth it.

I found that little guy in the middle on the top shelf for my heavily-used cocoa supply; another dollar store find. Going back to pick up some more, now that I know how perfect they all match! Makes my OCD happy.

And tonight... We got MAX!

....we tuckered him out. We've got him for a week while his real family is on vacay. I'm already in love.