fun fact.
It is officially my summer vacation.. and I cannot think of a better way to spend it than blogging my life away, don't you?
For anyone wondering, I'm primarily on Tumblr for random photography reblogging and such. But this blog is officially ONLY FOR MY OWN WORK. so hopefully you'll be seeing more of that soon.. the Flickr is a primo location incase the blog is behind.
another fun fact: kicked off the summer with an AMAZING night at LIGHTS and Owl City, with one Courtney Priester. the openers, Paper Route, were incredible. LIGHTS was amazing as per usual, even with the slip up during White. Really.. it just shows that she's human, just like the rest of us. I was epically impressed with Owl City live, considering it's primarily Adam Young at his synth and computer belting out songs into the wee hours of the morning to produce a record... but the show was INCREDIBLE. Live violinist, cello player, keyboardist, multiple percussionists.. I can't begin to express how incredibly impressed I was. Needless to say, if he (they?) are around again, and the tickets aren't too cheap.. I'm there.
My room is almost unpacked. it's taken literally 4 days straight of organizing, shuffling, cleaning, and throwing out useless garbage that I've accumulated all year to get to where I am right now, and i'm not even finished. It's a work in progress... I love my room, but really, I have too much stuff.
I think it's time for a life cleanse.